Server Upgrades
I’ve been enjoying having a home server setup, but I was facing a problem. In a previous post, I wrote about a Discord bot I wrote to allow me to start and shutdown my server easily. The motivation for this was that the server was loud, and in my bedroom. I wanted to be able to shut it down easily if I was laying in bed and ready to fall asleep.
Server Bot
Intro During Black Friday of 2021, I caved and decided to build a server PC. It was something I had been thinking about for a while, and I finally decided to pull the trigger after a friend was telling me about the NAS they were ordering. I started researching NAS/server builds and came across the NAS Killer and took heavy inspiration from this build when choosing components. I finally received all the parts and got the computer put together after the New Year.
Buwwshit Part2
In a previous post, I discussed Buwwshit, a tool my coworkers and I created to meme corporate-wide emails from the executive staff. The tool was rough, but it worked. You could copy/paste some text into it and it would spit out an uwufied version, while also unmasking any bullshit masquerading as corporate jargon. I’ve taken a bit of time this weekend to work on the tool some more. In particular, another coworker had suggested adding the ability for the tool to take HTML input and spit it back out with just the words buwwuified, leaving other non-text tags alone.
Buwwshit Part1
I work at a company that was acquired about a year and a half ago. Prior to this event, we were an employee-owned company. With the purchase, the company stock that many long-time employees held suddenly multiplied in value. This was a fantastic opportunity for older and loyal employees to see a return on their time invested into the company, so I understand why the decision was made to sell.
First Post
This is the first post for this blog. I’m not sure what I’ll do with this site yet, but I’ve got a few ideas. Maybe this will become something interesting in a few years.
Hi, I’m Thompson. I’m just a guy who enjoys learning and trying out new technology. I’m pretty decent with C++, and I’ve been working on learning Rust and Go. Writing custom tools for personal use is my guilty pleasure. If I sink enough time into something and feel like I have something worth writing about, you’ll find a post for it on this site. Hopefully some of it can be helpful to others, in the same way that many posts on the web have been helpful to me.